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MTGRKOJ PEQRSEN]-PEX@SK@ R IHOAQ@GENIEM OQL@ RIMBOL@ BL@RSI. Puu~ @~ u|-xpy~y{ y}r|yxy u r|p y y| , tq|u y rps . Ou| ru~~p yp qyr, p|y}p~ ry~{z tpy. Oqpx O|p ru~ R|~ , p{ {p{ y}r| r t p, wtur|u}s |~u} y pu} xruxt. O|p r px~ ptyy p}pyrp|y {p{ ru~~ }q|u} rur~s qwurp@Oty~p, Hurp, _yup, My. _ru|y~u yxtu|y | wy|y ~u |{ quusp}y, ~ y sry|y p u r|ptu|p. T{pu~y ~y|y ru ry{y~sy, ~uxpryy} |p y rxpp. Ot~p{, x| y uuq ~y|y u|~u |ty, |ty~ wu tu|p|y yxtu|y yx |rp y q~x. ***** Mt~u } w{u {| up{z: Oyp~yu 1.^|u}u~: M w{yu {|p 2.Mpuyp|: Nuwprup p| 3.Qpx}u: RY@ & CA Bu|y{qyp~yy & AU Diameter(MM/Iinches) r~ y Circumference(MM/Iinches) 7 O 17.35/0.683 54.51/2.15 8 Q 18.19/0.716 57.15/2.25 9 R 3/4-18.89/0.748-59.34/2.35 10 T 1/2 19.84/0.781 62.33/2.45 11 V 1/2 20.68/0.814 64.97/2.56 12 Y 21.49/0.846 67.51/2.66 K}|u{py: 1 } w{z uu~ Sy rpp: M w{yu {|p K y xtu rus xp 0.88$ : https://t.co/Lu5f437aeq ***** MEN'S RING-SEAL WITH AN EAGLE POWER SYMBOL PICTURE. Signet Arn the eagle-protector symbolizes power and strength, valor and courage. The eagle is the sacred bird of battle, the mascot of military fortune. The image of the Eagle is dedicated to the Sun, as it is a symbol of the height of the spirit, identified with the sun and the king of the stars. In various traditions, the eagle was considered as a sacred emblem of the supreme deity - Odin, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra. Jewelry served not only amulets, but also talked about the status of the owner. All Vikings wore jewelry, regardless of gender and age. However, wealthy people wore gold and silver, while commoners made products of tin and bronze. ***** Fashionable men's ring with a signet: Description 1.Item: Men's rings 2.Material: stainless steel Size 3: USA & CA UK & AU Diameter (MM / Iinches) inside Circumference (MM / Iinches) 7 O 17.35 / 0.683 54.51 / 2.15 8 Q 18.19 / 0.716 57.15 / 2.25 9 R 3 / 4-18.89 / 0.748-59.34 / 2.35 10 T 1/2 19.84 / 0.781 62.33 / 2.45 11 V 1/2 20.68 / 0.814 64.97 / 2.56 12 Y 21.49 / 0.846 67.51 / 2.66 What's in the box: 1pcs men's ring Item Type: Men's Rings Buy here for only $ 0.88: https://t.co/eLGt2NxudH |