| /sarcasmLoading Video. I'll accept that. And Clive Barker needs to make more shit. Hurra! What a victory for mankind. Based on slicing and dicing the numbers from multiple estimates, I was able to reverse engineer some of the logic that goes into how Tesla estimates these things. 1 to 10. This might be a new poll and you may want to spin in a certain direction with a fancy new title but the content is no more different any other poll thread you have made. . . 149 results . Oh but I thought you didn't like metacritic? Hmmmmm What about dial-up modem noises? Do you miss those? Most people forget about the EMEA area, it's a big market where ps dominates. And thus it continues until it becomes a daily occurrence rather then a shocking event. Races can have numerous and distinct cultures, and most likely those cultures will espouse different values. The monthly payment for ours is $1200/mo. But I had to pick one. Smartphone is king in Japan. Pretty hyped for this game. It came from his mind. which of course it doesn?t. You're rare. 0 blocks on the board instead. Also, your gonna love Blue Dragon. 2 disc. What a SW noob. ,I don't think it's worth worrying about. I think you'll win your case. Original Xbox's 5. And to splurge. ,You are arguing two different things here. Pedro I can't process that line ! Failure to see this is rather bewildering. https://cyberia.plati.market/games/final-fantasy-xiv-heavensward/System Wars oh shiz, where you been? Xbox Association YouTubers / Streamers Unite Xbox Association Nothing in his past can get him impeached, all they can do is line up the charges and get ready for when he is not the president anymore. Dude, the context of your response implied that you are responding to a comment on the the game's optimization, otherwise what were you responding to? I'm literally just quoting Oxford and Merriam-Webster, you troglodytes. No. It's Xbox SAD Edition. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it lol Retro Gaming Thanks. It's only sinking in that controllers are what make the difference. Xbox Association Retro Gaming Pick a board and hit submit SSD has been the evolution since before this gen started doesn't mean anything. Yeah, i'm a touch confused as well.