@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@o 783 @@@ʏ탂[hɖ߂@@@@hmcdw@@@@O@@@@ց@@@ @Wu|uru uyu|y seoEVseo 17/5/31() 11:45 @ @薼 F Wu|uru uyu|y @O F seoEVseo <zhenya.seo@mail.ru> @t F 17/5/31() 11:45 @-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dqz tu~. E|y rp} ~w~ {|yu~ - }s rp} }. B |yu py{ xpy~uurp~~ {|yu~r ~p rz pz. Ptry~ rp pz r 10 {|ur} xpp} r y{r yu}p `~tu{ y Cs|. Au xp |w~u |py. B ~pyz }}u~ yp ~pyq|uu y}p|~} trysp 50-100 xpp} px.P }|p~y p} pr| t| Bp u{, tqu u}p~yu{u t t| pzp, pr| p|sy} pq, rut |~z p~p|yx rpuz ~yy.Ptrywu~yu pzp ~u xpryy {p{z |yq y{rz yu}, p{ {p{ trywu~yu ~yrup|~. Rust~ }~syu "trywu~" pzr qu s}~u tu~sy ~uq~rp~~. ` y|x ~ruz, qu| }uty{ trywu~y pzr, { y|x uy~p|~u y}, ~ r |yyu y}, {u qu xp ry |sy 150 u~r, pqp }y~y}p|~z y}y. Put|psp spp~yrp~~z pzp {|ur} xpp} y py{ xpy~uurp~~ {|yu~r ~p rp pz. Nu y}uu x~pu~y u} xp~y}pu {}p~y y {p{p {~{u~y r uy. E|y rp xpy~uurp| ut|wu~yu - r }wuu xptp y~uuyu rp r |u{~~z u y|y pry ry {~p{~u tp~~u t| rxy. seo.eugeny@yandex.ru t| xpr{ y ~u~y y}y pq rpu} pz. R rpwu~yu}, Ersu~yz. Ruyp|y trywu~y, xtp~y y ttuw{u y~u~u pzp. Lqu {|uru |rp }y~y}p|~}y xppp}y. Xp~y{. O 12 |u. Good afternoon. If you need clients, I can help you. You will receive traffic to interested customers on your site. Promote your site in the top 10 for key queries in the search engines Yandex and Google. I take up difficult cases. At the moment I think it's best to move 50-100 requests at once. By default, I make up a project for myself, I'll select the semantic core for the site, I will compose the algorithm of work, I will conduct a full analysis of your niche. Site promotion does not depend on any search engine either As promotion is universal. Today many "promoters" of sites take huge money unreasonably. I use the newest, white method of website promotion, which is used by professional firms, but unlike firms that charge 150 percent for their services, I work at a minimum cost. I offer guaranteed growth of the site for key requests and traffic of interested customers to your site. It does not matter what the company does and what kind of competition is in the network. If you are interested in the offer - you can ask questions by e-mail or leave your contact information for communication. Seo.eugeny@yandex.ru for applications and clarifying the cost of works for your site. Yours faithfully, Evgenie. Specialist in promotion, creation and support of the Internet site. Any keywords with minimal costs. The privateer. Experience 12 years. |